
Migration guide

Migration guide

Migration from 1.x

If you're still using Unform in any version below 2.0.0, we highly recommend you following this guide.

Package name

Since unform supports React Native now, we changed all the packages name:

  • @unform/core: Core functionalities, needed in web and mobile;
  • @unform/web: Web integration, used in ReactJS;
  • @unform/mobile: Mobile integration, used in React Native;

Use the platform (web/mobile) package to import Form component, all the other functionalities can be imported directly from @unform/core.

Input components

Since Unform 2.0, the package does not include it's own input controls anymore, so you cannot import Input, Select or any other input components from Unform library.

Now you need to create your own input controls following the Recipes and Third party examples here in docs.

Check the Simple input guide to create your first input control.

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